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What kind of advertising mediums are online betting companies using in India?

Advertising mediums for online betting companies

Online betting companies in India use a variety of advertising mediums to promote their services to potential customers. Some of the most common advertising channels used by online betting companies in India include:

Social media:

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are popular advertising channels for online betting companies. They can use targeted ads to reach users based on their interests, demographics, and location.

Outdoor advertising:

Online betting companies in India also use outdoor advertising to promote their services, such as billboards, posters, and banners. However, the use of outdoor advertising for online betting is restricted in some states in India.

Search engine marketing:

Online betting companies can use search engine marketing to appear at the top of search engine results when users search for keywords related to betting.

Affiliate marketing:

Many online betting companies in India use affiliate marketing to promote their services. This involves partnering with third-party websites and influencers who promote the betting platform in exchange for a commission on any bets placed by users who click on their affiliate links.


Online betting companies in India also sponsor sports teams, leagues, and events to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

TV and radio ads:

Although the advertising of online betting is restricted in India, some companies use TV and radio ads to promote their services.

Influencer marketing:

Influencer marketing is a popular advertising channel for online betting companies in India. They partner with social media influencers and celebrities who have a large following to promote their services. Influencers can create content such as sponsored posts, videos, and stories to promote the betting platform to their followers.

Content marketing:

Content marketing involves creating and sharing content such as blog posts, videos, and infographics that provide information about the betting platform, its features, and tips for betting. Online betting companies in India use content marketing to engage with their audience and build their brand.

SMS and email marketing:

Online betting companies in India also use SMS and email marketing to promote their services to their existing customer base. They can send promotional messages and offers to users who have opted in to receive these communications.

Mobile app advertising:

With the increasing use of mobile devices in India, online betting companies also advertise their services through mobile apps. They can use in-app advertising to reach users who have installed other apps on their device.

Event sponsorship:

Online betting companies also sponsor various sports events and leagues in India to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience. They can use their branding and advertising at the event and in promotional materials.

Promotions and offers:

Online betting companies in India also use promotions and offers to attract new customers and retain existing ones. They can offer welcome bonuses, cashback offers, free bets, and other incentives to encourage users to sign up and place bets.

It’s important to note that the advertising of online betting in India is subject to restrictions and regulations, and companies must comply with these rules when promoting their services. The advertising must not target minors or be misleading, and companies must ensure that they provide responsible gambling messages in their advertising.

9 Types of Digital Advertising

  • 1

    Paid search advertising

  • 2

    Display advertising

  • 3

    Native advertising

  • 4

    Social media advertising

  • 5

    Audio advertising

  • 6

    Mobile advertising

  • 7

    Video advertising

  • 8

    Remarketing advertising

  • 9

    Email advertising

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