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Is online advertising more effective than radio advertising?

1 min read

You would think because I operate with digital media I would automatically dismiss all other kinds of promotions, but I have to say (and I’m sorry) that it depends.

Sometimes if you are working in a very local community, and this has an active radio station that everyone in your market tunes into each day, then radio advertising makes great sense.

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If you have an active community newspaper, likewise, if it is consumed locally and you operate locally, it makes perfect sense to run ads in the paper.

You see, marketing and advertising is not like an absolute process, you are very wise to study your situation, include all of the variables, and evaluate what media are going to reach the people you want to reach, and use them all.

Marketing is all about communication, and online advertising also depends on many variables:

  1. How well you understand your audience
  2. What choices you make
  3. The standard of copy writing
  4. Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/Websites
  5. Your skills with digital media

We can’t make a blanket call, and say one type of advertising trumps all others, it is definitely a question of specific conditions in your market. Even bill-boards can be effective in some situations, this is why we need to be agile, flexible and not ‘romantic’ about which type of advertising we employ.

This is certainly a more likely avenue to good results.