Ad formats to get the best results.
5 min read
The success or failure of any advertising campaign depends on various factors such as disseminating the ad message at the right time, through right medium and to the right audience. If any of these factors is compromised, the ad campaign might not generate desired results. To ensure that the brand message is delivered to the right audience at the right time, the advertisers must choose the correct medium to carry the brand message to the target audience.
While choose the medium, the advertisers must select an ad format that fit the advertising campaign, for instance, a clothing line launch ad is better advertised through TV, mobile and print ads than through radio ads. A new launch means new collection and designs and as radio is only an audio medium, it will fail to connect to the target audience who might be willing to get a glimpse of the new collection launched.
Here is the list of popular ad formats that will help any advertising campaign to reach its goal easily.
- Banner Ads: If you really want to let your stand out and gets the attention easily in Google searches, than banner ads is the appropriate pick. Despite being one of the traditional forms of advertising, it is still the most Google-friendly and lead generating ad formats.
- The banner ad format comes in various sizes to suit various device needs such as, mobiles, desktops, TV screens etc.
- Earlier outdoor banners were in popular demand but the era of digitization has made online banners, the most trusted and result oriented ad format.
- Banners are also in-demand as their nature is to accommodate themselves on the website page which the user is browsing and therefore, they do not disturb the browsing experience of the users.
- The brands can prepare their banner ads in various forms such as image, video, and gifs.
- Popunder:
This ad format saves the advertisers from ‘ad blindness’, which refers having to overlook the ad due to improper ad placement. Popunder, as the term suggests, lets your ad show on the bottom of the website page or tab, once the user clicks the page. The ad area is designated right under the active window of the user. So, if a user click on the a shirt displayed on the clothing website, then , the moment the user would click the ad for more details of the shirt, the pop under ad will immediately show up.
The benefits of using Popunder ad formats are:
- It give brands an undivided user attention without making the user feel irritated or uncomfortable, as the ad appears under the main browsing page.
- They can be used along with other ad formats, to boost visibility and reach.
- The Popunder ads can be used at any website.
- Push Notification: Push notifications let the users choose whether or not he wants to receive the content from a website. This ad format delivers the content to the user only when the user agrees to receive them regularly. Once the user subscribes to the content, he gets regular notification from the website page and when he clicks the icon, the user lands to the publisher’s website page directly.
- Push notification result into high conversions.
- This ad format is Google-friendly.
- People often subscribe to notifications easily to receive regular updates of a particular content.
- The ad format can include creative illustrations, icon, image etc.
- Inpage Push: This ad format isn’t user dependent like push notification. Here, the users receive native-like ad notification when he is browsing any website. Inpage push ad format is designed to extend reach and visibility of the brand. Once the user clicks on the ad message, the user is taken to the advertisement through a new tab window. The users have the choice to close the tab whenever they wish to.
- The websites can incorporate maximum 2 ad notifications.
- Inpage push does not depend on the subscription choices.
- The ad formats all operating system.
- It is easy to install and launch Inpush ad formats.
- Helps in expanding the reach of any brand.
- Instant Text Message: In this ad format, the ad appears as a notification dialog box on the mobile screen. Once the user opens a particular website, a dialog box appears as soon as the page loads on the mobile screen. If the user clicks the dialog box, the advertisement opens eventually. For instance a user is loading a clothing website, once the home page loading finishes, he receives an ad message of ‘Click here for first order discount coupon of INR200’, if the user clicks this the ad opens up and shows the products on which the coupon code can be applied.
- Instant text message formats pushes additional traffic to the website.
- The ad format has been designed exclusively for mobile screens.
- The ad appears as native website element and therefore does not act as a hurdle to the browsing experience of the user.
- This ad format is very Google-friendly.
- Video Pre-roll: This ad format let the brand play an advertisement before the main content in the video. The ad appears before the start of any video. If the users click on the ad, a new tab opens with the advertised website’s page.
- The ad format ensures high conversion and delivery rates.
- The ad format is compatible with latest video formats.
- This ad format increases reach and lets you target your core audience.
- The video ad cannot be skipped until 5seconds; this ensures that the viewer absorbs at least 5seconds of main advertising message even if he skips the ad after that.
- Skim: As the name suggests this ad formats try to skim in between the website content and when the user clicks on the skim link, the advertisement shows up. The advertisement link is inserted in any particular website element in the form of image, text, icon, link or video. Although the number of skim ads are limited on website page but the advertisers can insert this ad format anywhere in the website.