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The connect between OOH and social media platforms

3 min read
Delhi OOH Media | Billboard | Bus Shelter | Unipoles, Outdoor Publicity, Delhi DOOH Media

It would have been unrealistic if we tried to establish a connection between out-of-home-media and the internet back in 90’s but living in the digital age has changed the game! Now, with the help of internet and social media platforms we can establish a strong connection between the OOH media and internet that results into increased sales and brand awareness.

Here’s how social media and OOH campaigns benefit each other:

  • Organically embedding the message:

A lot of social media users bump into OOH ads while scrolling their feed. The OOH ads or creative usually in the form of photos are seen by users as they seem like an organic content on their feed and not like a separate advertisement. This amplifies the reach and visibility of OOH ads through social media.

  • Reports say it all: Reports suggests that 82% of Tik Tok, 81% Instagram users and 80% Facebook users, 78% of Snapchat users and 76% of Twitter users came across OOH creative while using social media platforms. Millenials are the prime audience that notice and post images of any creative and interesting OOH ads they notice leading to more brand awareness.
  • Pushing the audience: It has also been reported that half of the social-media audience who bump into OOH ads on social media feeds either visit the brand’s website that they found in their feed or searched the advertised brand online. Moreover, people feel motivated to know more about the brand advertised by searching for ratings, reviews, company’s products or enquiring about the same through family and friends.
  • Higher brand engagement: Strong, compelling and creatively unique OOH ads motivate the audience to share what they saw to the world through social media. This in-turns in-turn boosts the brand engagement with social-media users. The sequence of watching, posting and motivating comes as an organic format and not a forceful ad compulsion.
  • Like, Shares and clicks: The small yet powerful action buttons on social media platforms such as ‘like’ if you are pleased to watch something, ‘share’ if you wish to spread the content forward and ‘click ‘ to engage more with the content, make it easy for the OOH campaign to propel forward digitally.

The stats mentioned above have been curated from the latest reports published by the OAAA (Out-Of-Home Advertising Association of America).

What are the types of mobile ads?

  • 1

    Banner Ads

    Banners are rectangular small images combined with texts and shown at the top or bottom of the screen.

  • 2

    Video Ads

    Mobile video ads are the type of advertising that provides the best interaction rates.

  • 3

    Interstitial Ads

    The most distinctive feature of interstitials is immersiveness. 

  • 4

    Rewarded Ads

    If you want your users to complete a certain action, it is always useful to motivate them with a reward.

  • 5

    Native Ads

    As the name suggests, mobile native ads do not have a look that directly feels like a mobile advertisement.

  • 6

    Rich Media Ads

    The best thing about rich media ads is their flexibility to enable the implementation of various creative mobile advertising ideas.

  • 7

    In-App Ads

    In-app ads provide a dynamic user experience. It attracts users with animations and interactive effects.