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How shoutouts and celebrity endorsements are becoming part of ‘Brand Marketing’ nowadays?

2 min read
brand endorsements, influencer marketing impact and role

The internet has stormed our lives with information and content. An average person spends around 3 hours 35 minutes on social media. They have now become the source of our news, entertainment, education, and even employment. Therefore, it is not surprising that social media influences have changed the way people perceive brand endorsements.

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While it is true that you can endorse your brand through campaigns on social media websites and apps, oftentimes they do not get noticed. Because of the presence of tons of content, ad campaigns on social media or even on television are not clutter-free. Therefore, it becomes a challenge for advertisers to win brand impressions and build brand recognition. Even though paid content is an effective way for brand promotion, targeting your audience could be tough among all other paid content. This is where celebrity shoutouts and endorsements stand out.

Why celebrity brand endorsements are important in brand marketing?

If you have quite a few bucks to spare on brand campaigns and want faster results, celebrity endorsements are the best way to go forward. Celebrity shoutouts act like wildfire. And in the age of social media influencers, it is more likely that you will win maximum attention. Courtesy the social media platforms, people have fostered a feeling of relatability with celebrities. Through these platforms, they offer a peek into their lives and viewers build a gradual relationship with them. In such a case, sponsored content by one of them will give your brand a new lease of life.

In addition to the above, sponsored content or celebrity shoutouts do not appear to be imposing to viewers. They craftily weave a story around these brands which seem believable to the viewers. Also, through celebrity shoutouts and endorsements, your brand has the potential to grow an intimate base of loyal customers.

So, include celebrity shoutouts and endorsements in your next brand campaign and build a solid brand resonance among viewers.

Marketing activities to target Students –

  • Create engaging video content


    Create an Informative and Entertaining Video. Include video in your student marketing efforts. Create relevant content  to them.

  • Be ahead of social media trends

    It's no secret that usage of phone among most of students is high and  they're constantly on social media.

  • Leveraging influencer collaborations


    Collaborating with influencers can significantly enhance our product sampling initiatives.

  • Academic incentives

    Offering incentives to college students will make them more likely to shop with your company.

  • Class enrollment promotions


    Student-focused marketing can be achieved via Class enrollment promotions in proximity to the campus area.