DOOH advertising avenues in Mumbai and their importance
3 min read
Advertising plays a prominent role in the success of a product, as it has become the duty of an advertiser to find out unique ways of promoting the product. The promotion tries to retain the public’s interest and involves them directly or indirectly in the whole process. One such unique idea is promoting through DOOH advertising.
The journey of advertising from billboards, hoardings, posters, etc., to DOOH advertising, is remarkable. The advertising methods used in yesteryears involved huge investments on billboards, and in the era of digital advertising, television, radio advertisements captured the advertising techniques. An improvisation in technology has given wings to advertising techniques. Creativity and the thought process are the main reasons that have always created a new road to implement advertising techniques. The concept of DOOH is quite popular nowadays. The focus on DOOH will help us understand the concept and will highlight its importance.
What is DOOH advertising?
DOOH refers to Digital Out Of Home advertising. The concept is a combination of traditional OOH advertising and digital technologies. The DOOH concept uses digital screens to deliver the message to the public through television screens, elevator screens, and specially made digital billboards. The popularity of DOOH advertising is increasing due to its presentability. In the OOH concept, the advertisement was supposed to be fixed with only one image for a stipulated time. On the other hand, in DOOH advertising, the display of the image is changeable frequently to keep the common public connected. DOOH has become a unique advertising source that has boosted the brands and improved its sales and promotion.
Importance of DOOH
The importance of the DOOH concept can be found when the common public starts talking about the message delivered. The movement the common public understands the message and communicates it; it is understood that the usage of the DOOH strategy was fruitful.
The location’s choice for advertising is a prime step in any advertising strategy. No matter how good the advertisement or the technology is, it does not reach the common public in the right manner, all efforts go waste.
Therefore, the location selected should be in such a place where the movement of the public is more. For example, the public movement is more in areas like railway stations, bus stations, shopping malls, etc. is an ideal location to attract the common public. If the digital screens are placed and managed in such areas, communication of the message is quite possible as it reaches a large volume of people. There are two possibilities – firstly, the public may not be interested in the advertisement. The advertisement proves to be a good time pass while the individual is waiting in that particular location. Secondly, if the advertisement is interesting, the individual will watch the presentation. In both cases, the message is delivered.
The success of DOOH in major cities
The undeniable fact is that the flow of public is more in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai. There are several reasons for the flow of the public. Especially, a city like Mumbai gives many opportunities to a person who attempts. As the floatation of the public in Mumbai places is more, the concept of DOOH works successfully in such a city.
Conclusion: DOOH advertising has opened many avenues to explore new opportunities to promote the brands and entertain the common public.